Library Technical Services Course Information
Course Information
Welcome to LIBR 55B - Library Technical Services! This course provides an overview of the paraprofessional's role in the technical and access services units of a library. We will delve into cataloging, acquisitions, serials, systems, and circulation services. This course will focus on current trends and issues as well as the technical skills needed to work in these library departments in a paraprofessional capacity.
Student Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Distinguish among and describe various job functions in access and technical services across multiple library types.
- Describe library acquisitions cycles from the time of request until the material is available for users.
- Apply the technical skills needed to work in library technical services to provide quality access to resources.
- Describe the importance of collaboration as it relates to library technical and access services.
Add/Drop Information
For adding the Class Before the Start Date:
- Use Web4 to enroll in the class if space is available.
- If no space is available, you can use Web4 to add yourself to a waitlist. If space becomes available before the semester, you will be notified via email and provided an add code.
- If you are on the waitlist and no space becomes available, you will need to use the next set of steps (For adding the class After the Start Date):
For Adding the Class After the Start Date:
- CCSF has removed add codes as of Spring 2020
- You must use the Class Request option on the class schedule using the CRN to request an add.
- Requests are not guaranteed! I always prioritize the waitlist first and then the request list.
Dropping the Class:
- Students are encouraged to drop the class on their own ASAP to allow other students to add.
- The instructor will drop students who do not demonstrate academic contributions within the first seven days of the course. Academic contribution is usually in the form of a discussion post or quiz, depending on the instructor's assignments. The instructor will always reach out to students before dropping them.
- The instructor reserves the right to drop students at any point in the semester if they do not login and contribute academic work at least once every seven days. The instructor will always reach out to students before dropping them.
- Students are required to be aware of drop dates throughout the semester. CCSF Academic Calendar will include the last dates to drop with and without a W as well as last day to drop for a full refund. Students are responsible to drop the class on their own in these circumstances.
You can learn more about adding or dropping classes through the Registration Office.
Technology Requirement
Learning Management System Requirement: Since this is an online course, students are required to access the Learning Management System CanvasLinks to an external site. often in order to view and complete lessons, quizzes, and discussion board posts. I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But, if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, please use the Student Canvas Guides Links to an external site. or live support available through Canvas Chat. For 24/7 help with Canvas, use Canvas Chat Support Links to an external site..
Internet Requirement: Students need to secure reliable access to the internet in order to complete assessments on Canvas. CCSF provides students with free computer use on campus and free WiFi.
Important Dates
- Day Class Begins: January 29, 2024
- Day Class Ends: May 22, 2024
- Last Day to Add: February 15, 2024
- Last Day to Drop with a refund: February 7, 2024
- Last Day to Drop without a 'W' symbol: February 15, 2024
- Last Day to Opt for Pass/No Pass: April 25, 2024
- Last Day to Drop with a W or apply for leave of absence: April 25, 2024
Course Syllabus
Preview the Course Syllabus! Links to an external site.