Course Syllabus
You are responsible for reading and understanding all elements in the syllabus. It is expected that you will abide by all course and CCSF rules and policies, as stated in the syllabus. Please see the instructor if you have any questions.
The FINAL EXAM will be held in class on Wednesday, Dec 19 from 3-5 PM. You can find a brief class schedule here with all exam dates noted.
Consult the CCSF Instructional Calendar for important dates, such as the last day to add and drop.
Contact the Instructor
Email (preferred): Canvas Inbox or if you cannot log in to Canvas.
Voicemail (not preferred): 415-452-5804
Office Hours: Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm in Science 330 and by appointment.
How to access the course
- Go to
- Username: CCSF ID, examples: W12345678 or @12345678.
- Password: your RAM ID password (claim your RAM ID here)
- Detailed instructions for how to claim your Ram ID and log in to Canvas.
Once you have logged in, the course can be located in the “Courses” tab located in the left sidebar.
Course Description
This is a full semester, online course with mandatory laboratory meetings every week. Check the CCSF Schedule of Classes for your meeting day, time, and location.
Units: 4; Hours: Lec-52.5, Lab-52.5; Credit, Degree Applicable UC/CSU; No prerequisites; ADVISE MATH E1 or E3 or 30 or placement in MATH 40; and ESL 140 or ENGL 91or placement in ENGL 92 or 95
An introduction to scientific and biological principles through the study of humans as exemplary organisms. Lectures and laboratory exercises will explore current scientific issues, develop critical thinking skills, and examine the structure and function of the human body in relation to health and disease.
How much time will this course take?
- Hours you will spend in “virtual” (online) lecture, discussions, etc.: 3 hours per week
- Hours you will spend in the laboratory: 3 hours per week
- Hours you will need to commit to online assignments, quizzes, etc: 1-2 hours per week
- Hours you will need to spend in ACTIVE study: 4-9 hours per week (depending on your prior experience with the topics and your personal level of interest).
CCSF Major Learning Outcomes: Area C: Natural Sciences
Upon completion of this coursework, a student will be able to:
- Apply scientific inquiry and investigation of evidence to critically evaluate scientific arguments.
- Communicate scientific ideas and theories effectively.
- Apply scientific principles, theories, or models to explain the behavior of natural phenomena.
- Apply scientific knowledge and reasoning to human interaction with the natural world and issues impacting society.
BIO 9 Course Specific Major Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:
- Outcome 1: Critique scientific information in the media for accuracy and reliability.
- Outcome 2: Apply scientific method to laboratory investigations including designing experiments and interpreting quantitative information using graphs.
- Outcome 3: Relate the structure and function of the building blocks of life from microscopic to macroscopic levels.
- Outcome 4: Integrate the effects of genetic and environmental influences on health and evolution.
- Outcome 5: Explain the flow of chemicals and energy through living and non-living systems.
- Outcome 6: Evaluate the impact of humans on the environment.
Required Materials
- Suitable human biology book, such as Ireland, Kathleen. Visualizing Human Biology, 4th Ed. (Available for purchase at the CCSF bookstore or online. On reserve in the CCSF Rosenberg Library and in the Biology Resource Center.)
- Bio 9 Lab Manual. (Available for purchase at the CCSF bookstore).
- Computer, printer, internet access, and Canvas account. Most of the course announcements, assignments, and other important information will be available ONLY through Canvas. There are several computer labs with printers and internet access on campus.
- Pen and paper for lecture notes and laboratory recordings.
- 3-ring binder for organizing laboratories, notes and handouts.
Your score for the course will be based on the following items. Assignment details in Canvas.
Assignment |
Notes |
Total points |
Online lessons: One or two 10-point lesson(s) per week. 26 total lessons per semester. |
Due Tuesdays. Lessons can be repeated for a better score within the assignment period only. Best score for each lesson counted for final grade. |
260 possible points |
Syllabus Quiz |
Must be passed with 100% and cannot be skipped/dropped. |
10 points |
Quizzes: One or two 10-point quiz(es) per week. |
Due Tuesdays. 21 quizzes will be assigned. One attempt for each quiz, no time limit. Your best 19 scores will count for your final grade (i.e., the lowest 2 scores will be dropped). |
190 possible points |
Laboratories: Weekly lab assignments (in class and/or online). |
Due Wednesdays. 21 labs will be assigned. Your best 19 scores will count for your final grade (i.e., the lowest 2 scores will be dropped). Lab points may be forfeited if rules (below) are not followed. |
190 possible points |
Forums: One 10-point assignment per week. |
Due Wednesdays/Saturdays. 17 forums will be assigned. Your best 15 scores will count for your final grade (i.e., the lowest 2 scores will be dropped). |
150 possible points |
Exams: Five lecture exams worth 100 points each. |
Dates on course schedule. Administered during your lab meeting time. Your best 4 scores will count for your final grade (i.e., the lowest 1 score will be dropped). |
400 possible points |
1200 possible points |
Your final grade will be determined as follows.
A = 90.00% or better of the total points earned (1080-1200)
B = 80.00-89.99% of the total points earned (960-1079)
C = 70.00-79.99% of the total points earned (840-959)
D = 60.00-69.99% of the total points earned (720-839)
F = 0 – 59.99% of the total points earned (less than 720)
Lab Rules
General Rules
- You must attend lab each week.
- No food or drinks in the classroom at any time.
- Read all laboratory material before coming to class. The most important thing you can do to be safe in the lab is to be prepared and know in advance what you will be doing and why!
- Familiarize yourself with emergency exits, eyewash station, fire blanket and extinguisher, and first aid kit.
- Notify the instructor if you are pregnant, or become pregnant or have any other medical conditions that might necessitate special precautions.
- If you are not sure of anything.....ask for help or clarification before you start!!
Attire Rules
- Long hair should be tied back when working in the laboratory.
- You must wear closed-toed shoes in the lab at all times. Glassware is routinely broken in labs, and laboratory floors are not a safe place for flip-flops or strappy sandals.
Behavior Rules
- No “horseplay” in the laboratory.
- No optional or original experiments are to be conducted without prior approval.
- Do not taste any chemicals.
Disposal/Clean-Up Rules
- Dispose of any trash or chemicals properly. Not everything goes down the sink or in a trash can! Pay attention to disposal instructions.
- Broken glass should be reported to the instructor who will assist you in immediate clean up. Broken glass is to be discarded only in a “broken glass” container and not in the regular trash can or sink.
- Do not pour unused chemicals back into the stock bottle.
- Place glassware and plastic contaminated by blood or body fluids in a disposable autoclave bag for decontamination by autoclaving or place them directly into a 10% bleach solution before reuse or disposal.
- Wash the laboratory table surface when you arrive to class and before you leave.
- Clean all equipment and return it to the storage area before leaving the laboratory work area.
- Report any spill, accident, or injury to the instructor immediately, and follow emergency procedures as necessary.
Course Policies
Course Communication Policy
Canvas Inbox is the BEST way to contact me. I check my Canvas Inbox daily (M-F) during the semester and usually respond within 24 hours. If you have not heard from me within 48 hours M-F, then please resend your email through the Canvas Inbox. Emails sent on Friday after 5 PM will be answered on Monday. In case you cannot log in to Canvas, you may email me at
In Person: You may stop by my office during office hours. Office Hours for Fall 2018 are Wednesdays from 5-6 pm in Science 330.
By Phone: If you need to speak to me on the phone, either Canvas Inbox me a phone number and a good time to reach you or leave a voicemail on my office phone (415) 452-5804. Remember: Canvas Inbox is the best way to reach me.
You must check Canvas and your CCSF Gmail daily (M-F) for communication from me. This is how I will contact you. Announcements, assignments, and other important course information will be delivered this way. Your grades will be posted in the Canvas gradebook usually within one week of the due date. I will contact you regarding lack of participation if you have been inactive online and have not shown up to lab for 2 or more consecutive weeks.
Drop Policy
IMPORTANT! To avoid being dropped, you MUST participate in the Meet and Greet Discussion by Saturday 8/25 at 11:59 pm. The activity can be found in the Module 1. There are many students who are trying to add BIO 9 this semester. Out of respect for them, I will be adhering FIRMLY to this drop policy.
Students who are “no-shows” on the first scheduled class meeting will be dropped.
I may drop you for non attendance to lab (>2 missed lab meetings) and/or lack of participation online (2 weeks of inactivity) at any time. However, you should not assume that I will drop you from the course if you stop attending class. Dropping is ultimately your responsibility. If you fail to drop in the office of records, you may receive an F in the course.
A grade of incomplete (INC) can only be given if a major portion of the course has been completed at a passable level. An INC grade will not be given for poor performance or for lack of attendance. Documentation is required to justify a grade of INC. To withdraw from the course, see the College catalog or the schedule of classes for information and important deadlines.
Attendance Policy
Students are required to attend a three-hour “face-to-face” (in-person) class meeting each week. Your class meeting time is listed in the CCSF Schedule of Classes. If a student is absent more than six (6) hours of class, the instructor may drop/withdraw the student from the class and/or the student may receive an F. Excessive tardiness (amount of time or frequency) may be considered equivalent to absence. If a student is absent from any class for any reason, the student is responsible for the content covered during the absence and obtaining any materials handed out.
Students who are “no-shows” on the first scheduled class meeting will be dropped.
Exchange contact information with another student so that you do not miss any important information in the event of an absence. Being absent is not an excuse for missing information or announcements.
Late Work Policy
It is expected that the work you complete in BIO 9 will be turned in on time. Canvas will NOT accept late assignments, nor will it allow you to take exams or quizzes after the closing date and time. Assignment/quiz/exam dates are clearly posted each week.
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Academic dishonesty will, at a minimum, result in:
1st violation – The student receives zero points for that exam or activity and may be subject to disciplinary action from the college. You may not take a “make-up” exam to replace missed points on any exam where you received a zero due to cheating.
2nd violation – The student will be dropped/withdrawn from the course with an F grade and may be subject to disciplinary action from the college.
Some of the most common forms of academic dishonesty include cheating and plagiarism.
Cheating is:
- Copying classwork of any kind from someone else (this includes allowing another student to copy your work).
- Altering or interfering with grading; re-submitting an altered answer for review once an exam has been returned.
- Using electronic equipment (including cell phones and computers of any sort) and/or materials not authorized by the instructor during a quiz/exam/final.
- Collaboration where it is specifically stated that students must work individually.
Plagiarism is:
Using the work of another person and claiming it as your own is considered plagiarism, which is a form of cheating. If you are unsure of what plagiarism is, I encourage you to read this wonderfully detailed and descriptive link from UC Davis: Avoiding Plagiarism.
Student Conduct Policy
Students enrolled in this course are expected to comply with the City College of San Francisco Student Code of Conduct. For your reference, you can view a copy of this code here: CCSF Student Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is also printed in the CCSF College Catalog.
The information in the CCSF College Catalog entitled “College Rules and Regulations” and “Academic Policies and Procedures” applies to this course. Note specifically:
- Consumption of food or beverages during class time is NOT permitted. Please leave any food or beverages, including chewing gum, outside the classroom. Violations of the food policies will result in disciplinary action.
- Please be respectful of others, especially when using electronic devices. Electronic devices may be used in class to take notes, research a relevant question, fill out class data sheets, and the like. However, text messaging and other “off-task” use of electronic devices during class time is prohibited. Additionally, if a student’s cell phone is visible during a quiz or exam, the instructor will assume the worst and the student will receive zero (0) points for the quiz or exam (See Academic Dishonesty Policy).
Safety and Respect: Students at City College of San Francisco have the right to an environment in which there is freedom to learn. The College believes that each student has an earnest purpose and that he/she will adhere to acceptable standards of personal conduct. We believe students deserve a safe, civil, and respectful environment that will enable them to reach their full potential. To this end, we expect students to assist us in this mission. Promptly report any concerns or observations you have to our instructor or appropriate authorities. We value your assistance and take your concerns seriously. We will treat such matters as confidential to the fullest extent possible. Campus police: 239-3200; Student Health: 239-3110.
DSPS Message
Your instructor is committed to working with you and the CCSF Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) to make sure you have all the accommodations you need. Students with disabilities who need academic accommodations should request them from the DSPS located in the Rosenberg Library, Room 323 on the Ocean Campus. Telephone: 415-452-5481 (V) 415-452-5451 (TDD). DSPS is the campus office responsible for verifying disability-related need for academic accommodations, assessing that need, and for planning accommodations in cooperation with students and instructors as needed and consistent with course requirements.
**The items in this course syllabus are subject to change.**
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |