Course Syllabus



Course Syllabus

ART132A,CRN:79300/ ART132B CRN:79312/ART132C CRN:79311/ ART132D CRN:79310


The Syllabus contains eight sections. There is a lot of information, but it is important for you to read each section. To read each section click the heading for that section.  After opening each section, you can click on the Syllabus Navigation, Syllabus Navigation Button, on the top right to jump between sections or revisit relevant sections.

  Course Communication

Instructor Contact

Inna Razumova, MFA

Email: Please contact me via "inbox" feature of Canvas. In case when Canvas is down or there is some technical issues, you can use this email

Communication Plan

  • I will respond to your messages within 24 hours during the workweek (Monday-Friday) excluding holidays or if you are notified otherwise.
  • Your work will be reviewed, and I will comment on it within 72 hours of the due date unless you are informed otherwise. You will receive a graded rubric for each discussion, quiz, and assignment. I will provide more thorough feedback in written or audio format earlier in the semester so that you can improve on assignments as we progress.
  • I will participate in the weekly discussions and review all students work, but will not necessarily comment on each student's work. You will receive private comments on your submitted assignments.
  • Office hours: CityZoom appointments. Please email to make an appointment with me 24 hrs in advance. There will be also scheduled office hours during the semester, please check your weekly announcements. Tutorial about how to book appointments 

Building Community

The heart of this class is the discussion forum. Each week you and your classmates will analyze and discuss the issues that come up in the material this week. Each time this class is offered, I am humbled by the thoughtfulness of all of you, your posts, and your responses to each other inform my understanding of the topics. We learn from each other, from our varied experiences, from our different world views. I look forward to participating in discussions with you.

Instructor Announcements 

The instructor will post announcements on the “Instructor Announcements” page in Canvas every week. Canvas notifies students according to their preferred Notification Preferences (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as soon as the instructor creates an Announcement. 

Q&A Discussion

A “Q&A Discussion” is located in your course, accessible as a Quick Link from the Home Page, and pinned in Discussions. This discussion is for you to ask for the assistance of your classmates or of the instructor.

  Course Description

Art 132 has 4 levels (A, B, C, and D) that meet at the same time and will be engaged in the same online activities. Each level has different learning outcomes and the level and complexity of work produced during the semester is expected to reflect those objectives. 

Art 132A Beginning Figure Drawing 

Introduction to the basic concepts of drawing the nude figure from life. Students develop a practical understanding of surface anatomy and proportions using a variety of media and techniques, acquire perceptual and critical thinking skills, and are introduced to the expressive potential of figurative drawing.


Art130A Basic Drawing or Portfolio review by the instructor. Please refer to email sent to you by Anna Asebedo, Dept.Chair, about the process. Art 130 Basic Drawing is a prerequisite for Figure Drawing. Students who haven't had a basic level drawing class, or the equivalent will be dropped after the first week of classes, so please contact me if that is your situation.

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Employ fundamental sighting and drawing methods to effectively draw the nude model from life.
  2. Integrate a range of drawing media to convincingly depict the body in space.
  3. Identify and represent major muscle groups and bone structures.
  4. Organize effective figure-ground compositions using visual principles of design.
  5. Identify basic historical, contemporary, and professional developments as they relate to figure drawing from diverse cultures.

Class Meetings

This class is fully online and will have a once-a-week synchronous Zoom model sessions every Thursday from 3:10-6pm. Please contact me asap if you have any technical problems/limitations with using Zoom. The rest of the learning materials such as lectures, video tutorials, discussion, and homework assignments are available for asynchronous learning that will take an additional 4-6hr per week. Each assignment has a specific grading criteria and deadline. All of the online learning is under Modules menu.

132B Intermediate Figure Drawing

Building on the previously acquired basic knowledge of drawing the nude figure from life, intermediate students will further develop their understanding of concepts and techniques of figure drawing, continue with more in-depth study of anatomy and proportion, and start working with color and experimental mixed-media approaches.



Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Use basic figure drawing approaches to create experimental and expressive drawings.
  2.  Identify and demonstrate the expressive qualities of various drawing media while further expanding figure drawing skills.
  3.  Integrate concepts of proportions, shape, plane, and value to organize figure studies into more complex and effective compositions.
  4.  Identify and classify major muscle groups and bone structures while integrating this knowledge to drawing the figure from life.
  5. Apply basic color media techniques into figure studies.
  6. Analyze and evaluate own work and works of peers during group critiques.

Class Meetings

This class is fully online and will have a once-a-week synchronous Zoom model sessions every Thursday from 3:10-6pm. Please contact me asap if you have any technical problems/limitations with using Zoom. The rest of the learning materials such as lectures, video tutorials, discussion, and homework assignments are available for asynchronous learning that will take an additional  4-6hr per week. Each assignment has a specific grading criteria and deadline. All of the online learning is under Modules menu.

Art 132C Advanced Figure Drawing

Building on a rigorous study of drawing the nude figure from life, students will focus on developing a self-directed creative process, leading to advanced-level exploration of contemporary art issues and media, while creating a series of related figurative compositions.



Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate and employ a variety of drawing media, techniques, and approaches to achieve successful and expressive figurative compositions.
  2.  Propose and implement a plan for creative growth that integrates personal expressive goals with advanced figure drawing techniques and approaches.
  3.  Create a series of figurative compositions towards building a body of work that emphasizes coherence, critical thinking, problem solving, and risk-taking.
  4. Evaluate and revise one's own work in response to critiques that address technique, drawing and design principles, emotional and expressive content, and creative goals.
  5. Identify historical, contemporary, and professional developments, trends, materials and approaches in figure drawing.

Class Meetings

This class is fully online and will have a once-a-week synchronous Zoom model sessions every Thursday from 3:10-6pm. Please contact me asap if you have technical problems/limitations with using Zoom. The rest of the learning materials such as lectures, video tutorials, discussion, and homework assignments are available for asynchronous learning that will take an additional 4-6hr per week. Each assignment has a specific grading criteria and deadline. All of the online learning is under Modules menu.

Art132D Special Topics

Students will integrate advanced figure drawing skills with a focus on Special Topics such as Portraiture, Narrative Art, Mixed Media or Figurative Mural Art, to develop a personal and expressive body of artwork in a medium of their choice.



Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Design a proposal for successfully completing a portfolio of drawings that meets the student's goals for creative growth.
    B. Relate advanced observational, expressive, and experimental figure drawing techniques to a medium of student's choice.
    C. Create a cohesive portfolio of drawings based on a predetermined special topic reflecting a personal and expressive approach to composition.
    D. Formulate a written artist statement that explains how the drawings relate to historical, contemporary, and professional developments in figure drawing and figurative art.

Class Meetings

This class is fully online and will have a once-a-week synchronous Zoom model sessions every Thursday from 3:10-6pm. Please contact me asap if you have technical problems/limitations with using Zoom. The rest of the learning materials such as lectures, video tutorials, discussion, and homework assignments are available for asynchronous learning that will take an additional 4-6hr per week. Each assignment has a specific grading criteria and deadline. All of the online learning is under Modules menu.

Course Web Site

Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system [for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades]. I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, Canvas help is the number to call.

For 24/7 help with Canvas call: 1-844-592-2198.

You can visit my CCSF instructional website outside of Canvas





 Please purchase your materials as soon as you can, as the art stores might be short on supplies, and it might take time to deliver. 

I found that the cheapest supplies are on Blick (Links to an external site.) and Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Store website.  (Links to an external site.)Scroll down to find other Art stores including local ones.

The supplies highlighted in yellow are supplies you'll need by the beginning of the second week of class:  January 28

The rest of the supplies you'll need by the third week of class

Optional Supplies: Workable fixative; storage box; Portfolio case: folding type (not the pocket type), minimum 20.5" x 26"; to save money, may be handmade of cardboard. Rigid is best - to keep your drawings. The driest place to keep your drawings in the house is under the bed.

Optional suggested supplies for Art 132B,C,D:

Nice set of pastels. Set of pastel or conte crayon pencils. Conte pencils black, sanguine, and sepia. Variety of thicker and softer papers such as BFK Rives, Lenox, or other Printmaking Papers. Water brushes and india ink or markers for ink drawings.


Daniel Smith. Store website
Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Store website
Jerry’s Artarama Store website

Amazon also has some art supplies selection Store website

 Art Supply Stores 

BLICK ART MATERIALS, 979 Market St, (415) 441-6075  
Store Hours: M-F 9am-8pm, Sat 9am - 7pm, Sun 10am - 6pm Store website

UTRECHT ART 1930 Van Ness Ave., (415) 409-1359
Store Hours: M-F 9am-7pm, Sat 10am - 7pm, Sun 11am - 6pm
and 466 Townsend St., 415 908-3811 Utrecht website

FLAX ART AND DESIGN, address: Fort Mason Center 2 Marina Blvd, Bldg D, San Francisco, CA 94123 . tel.: 415-530-3510  Store Hours: M - Sat 9:30am - 7pm Store website:

MICHAELS, address: 4925 Junipero Serra Blvd, Colma, CA 94014 Store website: 

SCRAP, address: 801 Toland St, enter Newcomb Ave, (415) 647-1746
Store Hours: Monday through Saturday, from 9am to 5pm Store website

Weekly Schedule

This schedule is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor to accommodate instructional and/or student needs. It is the student's responsibility to keep informed of such changes. Please read weekly Announcements.

Jan 19 and 21: week 1 -Orientation to the course

Jan 26 and 28: week 2 - Gesture Drawing

Feb.2 and 4: week 3 - Basic forms and structure of the body. Bean shape

Feb 9 and 11: week 4 - Skeletal Structure

Feb 16 and 18: week 5- Sighting & Measuring techniques

Feb 23 and 25: week 6- Foreshortening, Reclining Figure

March 2and 4: week 7 – Value/Charcoal/Additive Drawing

March 9 and 11: week 8 - Value continued

March 16 and 18: week 9 - Midterm Review

March 23 and 25: week 10- Anatomy/ Torso

March 30 and April 1: week 11- NO CLASSES SPRING BREAK

April 6 and 8:  Week 12 - Anatomy Continued

April 13 and 15:  Week 13 - Anatomy Continued

April 20 and 22:  Week 14 – Portrait

April 27 and 29:  Week 15 – Portrait Continued

May 4 and 6: Week 16 - Toned Paper, Full Value Drawing

May 11 and 13: Week 16- Costumed Model

May. 20  Final Critique/ Self-Portrait -3:10pm - 6pm

  Course Technology


Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system (for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades). I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But, if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, Canvas help is the number to call.

For 24/7 help with Canvas call: 1-844-592-2198.

Zoom Video Conferencing/ConferZoom in Canvas

There are mandatory weekly Zoom sessions that will take place every Thursday from 3:10 to 6pm. (Here are the instructions on how to use ConfeZoom feature in Canvas) Please install Zoom app on your device. If you are using a Chromebook, read this tutorial on how to install Zoom on a Chromebook (Links to an external site.). 

Required Software

Adobe Reader (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Update your browser (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

  Course Logistics

Please follow this link for Important dates>>

Dropping the Class

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, after several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student.


Synchronous Zoom meetings: There are mandatory Zoom meetings that will take place every Thursday from 3:10-6pm. Missing a Zoom meeting is the same as missing a real class. Students who do not attend a first Zoom class session on August 20th and who do not login to participate in an introductory discussion forum within the 48 hours following the first Zoom class meeting will be dropped by the instructor in order to free up spaces for students on the waiting list. If you have technical issues and unable to use Zoom, please contact me asap.

Students who do not complete all required course work by the Census date (the last day to drop a full-term coursework units without a “W”) will be dropped by the instructor.

Asynchronous online learning: It is the student's responsibility to login to the Canvas course and be engaged with online learning materials such as lectures, demos, discussions, assignments, onsite at minimum twice per week at convenient time. Failure to login at least twice during a given week will be regarded as the same as an absence from in-person class meeting and that student will receive an absence for the missed online class meeting. Please Note: that while at minimum you must login to the Canvas course site twice, it is recommended that you regularly log in to the site throughout the week. Activities and assignments will require that you login on multiple days throughout the week to complete them satisfactorily. I encourage you to make room in your weekly schedule now and block out 30 minutes to 1 hour on multiple days throughout the week for asynchronous work with class materials.

Absence Policy - Zoom sessions: Please note that should you need to miss a scheduled Zoom session, it is imperative that you send me a message in Canvas (beforehand if possible) to let me know of your absence. The following rules apply to this class regarding absences:

  • Two unexcused absences are allowed during the semester, but not two (2) consecutive ones and not at the beginning of the semester. If a student misses two consecutive classes at the beginning of semester, the instructor has a right to drop that student from the class. It is students’ responsibility to login to the course weekly and check all assignments and due dates. Missing an online class session means that a student would not be able to complete an online assignment by due date. For illnesses that last two weeks or more, a doctor's note is required.
  • The third absence will drop overall grade by one letter grade. If a student exceeds 4 unexcused absences, and there are no emails from the student, the instructor has a right to drop the student from class, as specified in the CCSF Calendar of Instruction.
  • Most of the vital information about the assignment will be given in the beginning of class, so tardiness will affect your final grade in a following way: Being more than 10 minutes late to a scheduled Zoom meeting will constitute one tardiness. 3 late arrivals constitute 1 absence.


Online assignments, such as assignments, discussions, and quizzes, have strict deadlines which are posted on Canvas. In order to be eligible for full credit on these assignments you must submit them by the due date.

Late Policy

Due dates for projects (assigned approximately every two weeks) will be announced at the time of handing out of the assignment. All work submitted one class after the due date will be downgraded one letter grade. Submissions more than one week late are only accepted with prior arrangement with the instructor. It is strongly advised that if you need to miss more than one class/homework deadline in a row that you contact me to avoid being dropped from the class. 


Methods of Evaluation

Assignments, discussions, quizzes, group critiques. Assignments and discussions have a specific grading rubric. All assignments, discussions, and quizzes have strict deadlines which are posted on Canvas. In order to be eligible for full credit on these assignments you must submit them by the due date.


There will be Midterm and Final group critiques via Zoom. Attendance is mandatory

Grading Policy

 How do I view my grades, teacher comments, and an assignment rubric as a student?

Grades will be assigned as follows: 

Letter Grade Percent Points



900 points or more



800 to 899 points



700 to 799 points



600 to 699 points

F or FW




An “F” grade indicates that a student attended, participated and completed the course but failed to master the course curriculum.

An “FW” grade indicates the student stopped attending a course after the “last day to withdraw” deadline and subsequently did not submit any work or participate in any exams. Please check with your counselor and financial aid advisor for possible implications of the FW grade on residency and financial aid status.

  Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you need classroom or testing accommodations because of a disability, have emergency medical information to share with me, or need special arrangements (in case the building needs to be evacuated), please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office hours are by appointment on Zoom video-conferencing.

Students seeking disability-related accommodations are encouraged to register with Disabled Students Programs and Services (located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library (415) 452-5481). Please see the DSPS website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for more information and alternate locations.

  Standards of Conduct

Students who register in CCSF classes are required to abide by the CCSF Student Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Violation of the code is basis for referral to the Student Conduct Coordinator or dismissal from class or from the College. See the Office of Student Affairs (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Collaborating on or copying of tests or homework in whole or in part will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment. I encourage students to share information and ideas, but not their work. See these links on Plagiarism:

Encourage Academic Integrity and Prevent Plagiarism (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Citing Information Sources (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Student Expectations

  • Do your best to set up a home studio space that works for you as a creative space, and is organized and comfortable as possible
  • Develop a weekly drawing practice. It takes some self-discipline and focus to get started drawing on a regular basis, but once you do, it can be very rewarding.
  • Complete the assigned activities. Please let me know as soon as you can about difficulties that you may have in getting assignments in on time. 
  • Complete the discussion posts and replies within the given window of time. Our discussions are much more vibrant when we all participate!
  • Login to Canvas on a regular basis
  • Read all Instructor's announcements
  • Participate in scheduled Zoom meetings
  • Attend and participate in the Midterm and Final Critiques

Instructor Expectations 

Here is what you can expect of me:

  • I will respond to your email or message within 24 hours during the week unless I inform you otherwise.
  • I will treat you and your ideas with respect. I love looking at student's art works and value the creative spirit in each and every one of you.
  • I will grade your Discussion posts and replies most often within 48 hours. (If you have posted late work, it may take longer.) Grades on the Midterm and Final Critiques will be done within a week.
  • You will see your grades in the Canvas Gradebook.
  • I will work hard to make this a valuable and enjoyable experience