Course Syllabus

Math 40 – Elementary Algebra (5)                 Katharine Saunders

Credit, Degree Applicable                             Email:

Spring 2021  TR 10:10 am – 12:25 pm           (Remote Learning)                                                                  

Text:          Elementary Algebra, Fifth Edition, by Alan S. Tussy


You must purchase WebAssign to turn in homework online, although the book is optional. 

Class Key:  ccsf 3946 0595

Prerequisites:    1)  Math E1 or E3, Math 35 or 835, or Math 30, or

                            2)  Placement by examination and advising

Materials:       You will need the following materials:     

1)  Calculator (Non-Graphing only)

2)  Graph paper  

3)  Ruler 

4)  Computer or Smart Phone, plus a camera, for

      Homework and Tests

Office HoursWednesday 12:30 – 1:30 pm and Thursday 2 – 3 pm on Zoom.

Homework:  Homework will be assigned for each section in the book and turned in online via WebAssign.  You are allowed to correct mistakes for a higher score.  Homework is due each week, and must all be submitted by May 27, 2021, at 11:59 pm.

Discussions & Written Assignments: In addition to the homework on WebAssign, students will participate in weekly online discussions and written assignments for each chapter, submitted via Canvas.  Late Discussion posts or Written Assignment work will be accepted with a 20% penalty for the first week, and 30% thereafter.

Exams:          There will be an exam at the end of each chapter, taken in Canvas.

The final exam will be given online, through Canvas, dates TBD.


Exams are closed book, with no notes.  Do not use graphing calculators or electronic dictionaries on exams.

Dropping:     The last day to drop with no notation on your record is February 5.

                      The last day to withdraw is April 22.

Attendance:  If you miss 2 discussions in a row or one test without notifying the teacher, you may be dropped.  However, do not assume that you will be – students are responsible for processing their own drops and withdrawals online.

Grading:        I grade on based on the following percentiles:

The grade will be broken down as follows:

Discussions             15 %

Homework                 30 %

Written Problems     30 %

Tests                          15 %  (Your lowest test score will be dropped)

Final                           10 %



90 % and up        A

80 – 89 %            B

70 – 79 %            C

60 – 69 %            D

Below 60 %         F


I reserve the right to adjust these percentages in the students’ favor.

Cheating will result in a minimum of an F on that exam.  The CCSF catalog lists the official policies with regards to cheating.

Extra Help:  There are several things you can do if you would like extra help:

1)  Message me on Pronto or come to my drop-in Zoom Office Hours.

2)  Text or send me email at  I will do my best to respond quickly.

3)  Go to tutoring:  See Canvas for instructions on CCSF Math Tutoring. 

4)  If you
 need classroom or testing accommodations because of a disability
, have emergency medical information to share with me,
 or need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated, please come talk with me as soon as possible.  Students seeking disability-related accommodations are encouraged to also register with Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library, (415) 452-5481.


         Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

  1. Apply algebraic properties and operations to evaluate and simplify elementary-level expressions.
  2. Solve equations and inequalities at the elementary algebra level.
  3. Sketch and interpret graphs of linear equations.
  4. Apply a generalized problem-solving process to solve elementary algebra applications.

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson


Course Summary:

Date Details Due