Course Syllabus

CRN: 80343 Section: 703 Wednesday 

CDEV 8100:  Child Observation

(Parent Education Class)

This Course Syllabus is available as a PDF, which is printable. You can also preview the PDF by clicking on the preview icon.     

CRN: 80305 Section: 701 Monday
CRN: 81354 Section: 702 Tuesday
CRN: 80343 Section: 703 Wednesday
CRN: 82158 Section: 704 Thursday
Dates/Times: August 14 - December 17, 2021
Th 9:10am-12:00pm and Friday 9:10-12:20pm

Campus: Remote

Instructos: Landi Ehnle

Office Hours: By zoom appointment

The purpose of this course is to give parents and child care providers practical experience and knowledge of child development (Children’s Ages: 15 months – 5 years)  in a play-based laboratory environment.

After Finishing This Class You Will Be Able To

  1. Recognize typical behavior and development of children 15 months to kindergarten age.
  2. Value the importance of play in the children’s growth and development.
  3. Understand the process of separation and attachment relationship building.
  4. Develop strategies of positive guidance.
  5. Identify standards of high quality childcare.
  6. Develop ways to relieve parental stress and identify resources for support.

Instructor’s Role

  1. Provide a nonjudgemental environment for parents to discuss parenting and child development issues and share concerns with other parents.
  2. Provide a sensory-rich and developmentally appropriate environment for children 15 months to kindergarten age to play.
  3. Provide a chance for parents to observe and participate in their children’s play.
  4. Share information on child development issues with parents.


Parents/Caregivers’s Responsibilities during Class

  1. You are responsible for your child’s safety.Please be attentive to your child’s activities and stay with them as they move about the room. Follow your child’s lead in choosing activities.
  2. After your child has played in an area, please reset the materials so the activity will be ready and inviting to the next child.
  3. Keep adult conversations focused on child development issues and limit cell phone use to emergencies only.
  4. Attendance is important. Please register yourself and sign-in on the attendance sheet every class.
  5. Make a name tag for you and your child.
  6. Eating and drinking is only allowed in designated area (table near the sink).

Please feel free to discuss any issues you are having with the instructor.