Course Syllabus

CDEV 8117:  Positive Parenting

Fall 2021
City College of San Francisco
Mondays 2:10pm – 5:25pm

This Course Syllabus is available as a PDF , which is printable. You can also preview the PDF by clicking on the preview icon.

Instructor: Landi Ehnle
Office Location: remote
Dates: August 14 -December 17, 2021

Course Description:

This course is designed for parents and guardians of infants and children. General principles of the role of parental involvement in the healthy development of children from birth through adolescence. Emphasis on issues relative to building positive relationships with infants and children in the areas of bonding and attachment, self-esteem, family dynamics, understanding of age-appropriate expectations in human development, and the importance of positive communication. Fulfills the requirements of CPS court-mandated parenting education.

After Finishing This Class You Will Be Able To

A. Discuss the ages and stages of development of children from birth to 18 years old,
B. Identify the impact of stress and trauma on the child's brain development and on the family,
C. Engage in parent/guardian and child care staff communication,
D. Be able to set limits and providing positive behavioral management,
E. Examine issues of culture and race on children's development,
F. Assess the needs of your child and the child care environment,
G. Develop the ability to provide attachment and bonding relevant to the development of self-esteem in children.

Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of age appropriate developmental expectations
2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of age appropriate discipline techniques
3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of appropriate community services available for children and families

Textbooks and other instructional materials

  • Kathleen Stassen Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence, (Tenth Edition). Worth Publishers, 2014.
  • Handouts (examples attached; Ages and Stages of Child Development, 20 Ways of Preventing Child Abuse, Methods of Discipline)
  • Supplementary Materials and Teaching Aids:
  • May include a combination of reference books, journals, outside lectures, films, tapes, models, and charts.


Pre/Co requisite(s): None
Units: Non-Credit

Course Supplies:
Pencils, erasable ink pens, and paper

Classroom Policies:

  • Turn off all cell phones and put them away in your pocket, handbag, or book bag before you enter the class and do not pull them out until you are outside of the classroom.Again, upon entry into the classroom, cut off all cell phones and pagers and do not pull out a cell phone in this classroom.
  • Under no circumstance is anybody allowed to tape anything in this classroom, including cassette tapes, video tapes, etc.
  • Excessive tardiness and/or absences will not be tolerated. College policy states that a professor may drop a student who is absent from six hours of class.
  • Respect your fellow classmates. We will discuss controversial issues and topics often in class. Please be aware of the diversity of views and respect those whose opinions may differ from your own.
  • Please do not use any profanity or racial slurs in this classroom.


This class and the topics covered are approved by the Department of Human Services Family and Children's Services for court ordered, reunification, and/or child protective services referred clients.

Certificate of Completion is presented based upon:

  • Class attendance and involvement.
  • Maximum Missed Classes Allowed – Three (3)
    ***Late Arrivals to class exceeding 15 minutes will result in an absence***
  • Students are responsible for monitoring their own attendance and will be notified immediately by the instructor if they exceed the maximum # of absences. In addition, notification will be sent to Department of Human Services, if necessary.
  • Completion of all reading (handouts) assignments
  • Participation in: Pre/Post Questionnaire, class activities, and homework assignments.


Method of Instruction:

Lecture, Discussion, and Videos

  1. Assignments
    1. Readings and discussion of handouts/text,
    2. Weekly discussion of assigned topic or reading assignment, i.e. Ages and Stages of Child Development, 20 Ways of Preventing Child Abuse, Methods of Discipline
    3. Written reflection papers.
  2. Evaluation
    1. Written reports reflecting understanding of student performance objectives,
    2. Small & large group in-class participation,
    3. Pre- and post-questionnaires.

Visitors Policy

The City College of San Francisco visitor's policy permits only those students who are officially enrolled in the class to be in the classroom during class time. Friends, spouses or visitors and children (unless enrolled in the class) are prohibited from entering the classroom at any time. Special permits must be obtained from City College of San Francisco Security prior to guest speakers and or visitors entering the classroom.

DSPS Statement

"The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, requires City College of San Francisco to make all programs accessible to qualified individuals with learning, physical, or psychological disabilities. Students who would like to receive accommodations for their learning, physical, or psychological disabilities should contact the Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS) office in the Rosenberg Library, Room 323 or call and schedule an appointment. (415) 452-5481

Course Outline

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview of the course
  2. Identify parenting styles incorporating co-parenting
    1. Define four dominant parenting styles
  3. The benefits of self-sacrifice as a parent
    1. Define self-sacrifice in parenting
    2. Identify areas for self-sacrifice
  4. Role modeling self-esteem for our children
    1. Styles of communication effects on self-esteem
    2. Define five foundations of self-esteem
  5. Review of Ages and Stages of development
    1. Present age appropriate expectations
  6. Aspects of Positive Guidance vs. Discipline
    1. Define two components of guidance
    2. Discuss techniques for positive guidance
  7. Safety and nutrition
    1. Present nutritional pyramid
    2. Discuss safety plan for home, school and community
  8. Anger management and identifying your feelings
    1. Discuss triggers for anger in self and children
    2. Identify positive response to anger that builds child’s self-esteem child
  9. Child abuse and neglect
    1. Define areas of child abuse and neglect
  10. Alcohol, drugs, and domestic violence
    1. Understand the impact on child physical, mental, cognitive and behavioral development
  11. Effective communication strategies between Parent/Guardian and Center staff
    1. Present tips for advocating child care
  12. How race, class, and language influence children's development
    1. Discuss discrimination and assimilation
    2. Identify strengths of diversity in race, class and language
  13. Learning how to have fun by reducing stress at home and at the workplace
    1. Define stress and impact on physical and mental health
    2. Identify positive activities that reduce stress
  14. Identifying community resources.