Course Syllabus
Course Communication
Course Basics and Instructor Contact
Course Begins: August 30 Ends: December 17
Weekly Class Times: This class meets online only.
Instructor: Ed Murray
Contact the Instructor: Send a Canvas Inbox message or email me at:
Note: If you need help with an enrollment or registration problem, let me know right away. Send a Canvas Inbox message, or email me:
Teacher Information
My name is Ed Murray, and I am very happy to be the teacher for this class! I've been teaching noncredit classes for a long time at City College of San Francisco's Mission Campus.My City College of San Francisco email address is:
Communication Plan—Let's Stay in Touch!
Communication between the instructor and the students is one of the most important parts of an online only class. I will do my very best to maintain regular contact with you. In turn, I expect students to reach out to me when you have a question about something or need help with a class assignment. I hope you will also reach out to say hello and let me know how you are doing. I value your opinion, and it helps me as a teacher to know what you think about the progress of the class. Remember, this class is for you!
- Please use the Canvas Inbox to send me a message. I will try to answer your messages as soon as possible, but I promise to get back to you within 48 hours from Monday to Saturday.
- If you don't hear back from me after 2 days, please send your message again. Sometimes electronic messages disappear. Sometimes people (including teachers!) just forget to do things.
- If your message is urgent or you or for some reason you aren't able to use the Canvas Inbox, send a message to my college email address:
- I will use the Canvas Inbox often to send you information—or sometimes just to check in and say, "Hi." You are always welcome to send me an Inbox message, too.
Sometimes students need a little individual help, or they just need to talk to the teacher about a situation. I'm always happy to meet with you individually.
If you would like a meeting, it's easy! Just send me a Canvas Inbox message, and I'll set up a Zoom meeting with you.
Instructor Announcements
Every Monday we will begin a new Module. The Sunday before, I will send you a Canvas Announcement with information about our new Module and our plan for the week. I will also send you Canvas Inbox messages regularly to check in with you.
Q&A Discussion Page (Q&A)
If you have a question about how to do an assignment or have a problem doing something in Canvas, you can post a message to the Q&A page.
I'll check the Q&A page just about every day, and you should, too. I'll try my best to answer your question or send you to the best place to get help. If you know the answer to a classmate's question on the Q&A page, please answer it!
Again, it is your duty as a student to reach out and get help when you need it, just as it is my duty as a teacher to communicate with you regularly and respond to your messages—so let's stay in touch!
Course Description
Beginning level English to develop basic workplace skills and become a successful employee, including U.S. culture, health and safety, basic rights, and effective communication.
Our Class Goals — Student Learning Outcomes
My job is to help you succeed in the class. I will do my best to help all the students achieve the goals for our class. Your job is to study the class material, practice English regularly, and work with me and the other students in our class community.
These are our goals for the class this semester:
- Identify and employ health and safety practices in the workplace. We will study the information and communication skills we need to stay safe at work.
- Examine and describe U.S. workplace culture. We will investigate work duties and company rules. We’ll also research how to become a valuable and valued employee and co-worker.
- Recognize basic rights in the U.S. workplace. We all have a right to be treated fairly and with respect at work. We’ll explore issues like pay, overtime, work schedules, breaks, vacation, and sick leave.
- Use beginning language to communicate in the workplace. We will work together on improving our communication skills in English, with special attention on speaking and listening skills in various workplace situations.
To be at the correct level for this course, students should complete ESLN 3200 (Beginning Low 2) or place in ESLN 3300 (Beginning High 3.)
Class Meetings
Course Begins: August 15 Ends: May 22
Weekly Class Times: This class meets online only.
Course Web Site
Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system [for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades]. I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues.
You can visit my CCSF instructional website outside of Canvas.
At Work in the U.S. (2003) New Readers Press
Course Technology
Connecting to the Class through the Internet
If you are new to Canvas, please click on the link below and follow the instructions. It shows you how to activate your Ram ID, get a password, and go to the Canvas website:
Everything about Canvas in Your Language (Links to an external site.)
Get Your Ram ID and Password for Canvas (Links to an external site.)
If you want to use your personal email or cell phone for text messaging to receive Canvas notifications (Announcements, Inbox messages, and more), please click on the link below:
How do I set Canvas notification preferences?
Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system [for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades]. I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But, if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, Canvas help is the number to call.
For 24/7 help with Canvas call: 1-833-249-3993.
Zoom Video Meetings for Individual Students
Sometimes students need a little individual help, or they just need to talk to the teacher about a situation. I'm always happy to meet with you individually.
If you would like a meeting, it's easy! Just send me a Canvas Inbox message, and I'll set up a Zoom meeting with you.
Required Software
Time Management and Workflow Policy
This is an online class, so most work will be done in Canvas. Expect to do a total of 6 hours of work per week on Canvas.
I will send you a Canvas Announcement every Sunday to introduce our new Module for the week and to let you know about our plan of study for the upcoming week.
Most online activities will have Thursday and Sunday assignment dates.
You should log in to Canvas at least 3 times a week.
You should complete all Canvas Quizzes, Discussions, and Assignments.
Attendance/Dropping the Class
New students: In the first week of class, please complete the Discussion activity For Module 0: Introduction. If I see that there is no activity, I will contact you to see if you need any help.
Continuing students: If for some reason, you can’t continue to do the activities, please contact me so I can help.
After two weeks I may drop you if...
you don’t complete at least one assignment or participate in at least one discussion.
you don't contact me to let me know what is going on.
Late Work Policy
It's okay to turn in late work. As this a noncredit class, it's all right to turn in your work when you can. I only set due dates for assignments as a reminder so that you can keep up with your classwork.
This is a non-credit ESL course, so students receive Pass, Satisfactory Progress, or No-Pass grades.
You will receive a Pass grade if you complete 70% or more of all assignments for the class.This includes Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes in Canvas.
You will receive a Satisfactory Progress grade if you complete between 40% and 70% of assignments.
You will receive a No-Pass grade if you complete less than 40% of assignments.
If you receive a Pass grade, this class can be used for all Beginning Vocational ESL Certificate programs.
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
If you need classroom or testing accommodations because of a disability, or have emergency medical information to share with me, or need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office hours are by appointment either on the Ocean Campus (9-4 p.m., Monday through Friday) or by Zoom video-conferencing.
Students seeking disability-related accommodations are encouraged to also register with Disabled Students Programs and Services located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library (415) 452-5481. Please see the DSPS website for more information and alternate locations.
Community Policy
- Use respectful language with everyone in your Canvas Discussions and other c
ommunication. Be positive and support your classmates.
- Please don’t use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS and !!! in your writing. Other people may think you are angry or rude if you use them.
- As you know, learning a language is not easy. And we all have trouble with online technology at times. Always do your best, but don't be afraid to make mistakes. You can learn from your mistakes.
- Please try to be patient with yourself and your classmates—and with your teacher!
- Use your own words. Don't copy sentences from the internet, from books, or from other students. This is called plagiarism, and it is not permitted. Your learning will be more successful if you do your own work.