D.5 Effective Interactions With The Transgender Community

  • Due No due date
  • Points 0
  • Questions 0
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Police officer talking to a car driver on a traffic stop.

Law enforcement professionals have contacts with members of the transgender community in a variety of enforcement and non-enforcement situations.

Transgender people often have a stereotype of law enforcement that comes from of years of history and stories from others about actual or perceived mistreatment including being disrespected, mis-gendered, or even assaulted by police. Law enforcement professionals today cannot be held responsible FOR that history, but we can be responsible TO that history.

The success of an interaction between law enforcement and a member of the transgender community is often dependent on how the law enforcement professional communicates. Communication includes both the words you use as well as the body language you display. If you know you are uncomfortable with the transgender community, don't understand it, or personally don't accept it, being aware of your discomfort and personal beliefs will help you manage your body language and communication.  Hopefully by the end of this training, you will have confidence with the terminology that will make your interactions more comfortable and effective. 

This activity includes three common law enforcement scenarios involving the transgender community. As you watch each scenario, think about prior encounters you have had that might be similar and reflect on how you handled them.  Each scenario will be followed with some questions and more information about how to have effective and comfortable interactions with transgender people.