Course Syllabus

City College Online Course

CRN: English 1A 70674; English 1AS 70701

This late-start class starts 8/29.

English 1A  College Reading and Composition

printable Word syllabus                              printable .pdf syllabus

  Course Communication

Instructor Contact

Elizabeth Zarubin

  • Canvas Inbox is preferred.
  • Email:
  • CCSF Phone: (415) 742-7033 (I do not check my work mail regularly! It's better to use Canvas messages).
  • Office Hours: M 1-2 and by arrangement
  • Office Location: Use the Calendar in your Canvas course to find times
  • I will respond to all course email within 48 hours Monday-Friday, exclusive of school holidays and weekends. Once the course begins, I prefer to get messages through the Canvas "Inbox."

Course Communication

  • I will respond to your messages within 48 hours during the work week (Monday-Friday), excluding holidays or weekends or if I am sick, or if you are notified otherwise.
  • Your work will be reviewed, and I will often comment on it within 48 hours of the due date unless you are informed otherwise. Please note that you may receive private comments on your discussion posts, essays, and midterm exam. There will also be essay self-assessment quizzes.
  • I will participate in the weekly discussions but will not respond to each individual student. You may receive private comments on your discussion posts.
  • If you do not log in to the course,  you will receive a message to remind you to come back to the course. It is best to keep up as the semester goes quickly and because life happens!
  • Conference hours are Mondays from 11-12 and by arrangement. They will be by Zoom, and are searchable in the Calendar tab. If you do not see conference hours that work for you in the calendar, please message me a request a time. Give me a few choices to choose from. I am flexible about Zoom conferencing most days except Sundays and before 7PM. Message me a conference request! Also, you can bring your questions to the optional homework hours in Zoom. 
  • If you have questions about a specific assignment, please PUT THE EXACT NAME OF THE ASSIGNMENT either in the RE line or in the body of the message. Otherwise I will not know how to support you.

Course Community

The heart of this class is the discussion forum. In other words, each of you is the heart of the class. You will analyze and discuss issues that come up in the reading or writing assignments. We learn from each other, from our varied experiences, from our different world views. I look forward to reading and participating in discussions and hope you will too!

Part of our community will be our class tutor, Paul Madragaria. Information on how to set up tutoring sessions with him and other information will be provided later.

What determines good participation in discussions?  

I respect your minds and your futures.   I don't like busywork, and you don't, either. All of your work is actually prewriting for your paper. When we start drafting, you will have a wealth of summarizing, connecting, and reflecting that is ready to be used for essay drafting. Great school habits translate directly into the workplace – which often means jobs kept and raises given.  To maintain your seat in class, it’s important to do assigned homework.  Because this is a process course, missing work has an impact on essay performance.

I know you can succeed and that you want the best future possible, so I expect a lot of you.  But maybe your work schedule changed or your computer is down or…?  Let's talk to see if we can find solutions. Conferencing is one of my favorite parts of the job.

Taking an active role in your learning and in class – stretching your leadership skills – makes the environment more energetic and teamwork based. Your leadership also makes up a good part of your participation grade. 

Working together outside of Canvas

As you get to know classmates in the discussions, you may feel more inspired and challenged (in a good way) by some others. You may want to connect outside of assignments to discuss our reading or homework. I personally don't use Pronto, but students seem to like it.
Can you start a learning group with classmates? Heck yes! As well, our many campus learning communities may offer formal or informal study groups.  Check out the CCSF learning communities!

Instructor Announcements 

The instructor will post announcements on the “Instructor Announcements” page in Canvas throughout the semester. Canvas notifies students according to their preferred Notification Preferences as soon as the instructor creates an Announcement. 

TO DO: Please go into your account preferences now and input a phone number and email address that you use, and as well turn notifications on and off according to your preferences. You can always adjust these later, but you should at minimum turn on instructor announcement and feedback.

Q&A Discussion

  • A “Q&A Discussion” is available on the home page as a quick link. The Q&A Discussion is for you to ask for the assistance of your classmates. I do not read this page; it's like the conversation you might have among yourselves before, after, or during class.

  Course Description

ENGL 1A, College Reading and Composition

Suggested PREREQ.: ENGL 88 or ESL 188 if needed

College reading, writing, and critical thinking with a major research component. Reading, writing, and research assignments are based predominantly on non-fiction texts.

Transferrable to UC/CSU
Units: 6
Credit type: Credit/Degree Applicable

 The official outline.

Advisories and Sequence

English or ESL grammar classes may be advisable.

A final grade of C or higher allows the student to progress to English 1B or 1C

Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes for English 1A

  1. Analyze college-level texts.
  2. Compose source-based, organized essays that are driven by an effective thesis.
  3. Apply the major conventions of standard written English.
  4. Research and integrate relevant and credible sources for support, using appropriate citation format.

Student Learning Outcomes for English 1AS

  1. Identify and implement reading strategies to interpret college-level texts.
  2. Implement outlining and paragraphing strategies to compose and revise thesis-driven essays.
  3. Employ revision strategies to improve sentence grammar.
  4. Apply source integration strategies in writing.

Course Web Site

Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system [for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades].  I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But, if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, Canvas help is the number to call.

You can visit my CCSF instructional website outside of Canvas.


Our textbooks relate to achieving success in school and life. Unfortunately, these books are not open sourced (free). If you are ordering your texts, do not wait, if you want to get the best price you can on a used copy. You will be working with Carol Dweck's book, mindset, the first week of school. Be cautious about whom you download files from. Or go to the school or a public library and get this book right away while you are waiting for your copy.

  • mindset: the new psychology of success, Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., ISBN 978-0-345-47232-8.  

You can also listen to this book in YouTube. There are many slight revisions that have been made to the text of the audio book, so listening and reading simultaneously may be challenging. But listening on the bus or when walking or doing dishes will help reinforce comprehension. All citations must be from the ISBN listed above.

  • The Upside of Stress, Kelly McGonigal, ISBN 987-1-101-98293-8
  • American Heritage Dictionary, 4th, or the equivalent college dictionary
  • How Children Succeed, Paul Tough, ISBN 3206-22-640-356220
  • Current student ID card necessary for doing library research or accessing campus support resources

  Course Technology


Students will use the Canvas Learning Management system [for assignment instructions, submitting assignments, viewing classmates' work, sharing resources, and viewing grades].  I can help with the course material and with some Canvas issues. But, if you need help uploading an assignment or with the mechanics of Canvas, Canvas help is the number to call.

For 24/7 help with Canvas, call 1-833-249-3993

Zoom Video Conferencing

If you schedule a conference with me through Canvas messages, this Zoom Conferencing link should work through the summer. Please let me know if you encounter a problem. If you schedule a conference through the calendar, the link will be provided in the meeting information.

Required Software

  Course Logistics

Important Dates

This table shows tentative dates to give you an idea of the pace of the course.  A note about paper length: papers must fully reach the bottom of the page of the minimum assigned page length. This does not include the Works Cited Page.

School dates can be found in the Instructional Calendar or in the online Schedule of Classes by hovering over the deadlines link next to your class listing.

  • Day Class Begins: August 29.
  • Last Day of Classes: December 12
  • Final Exam Date: To be posted by the school; not yet available
  • Please be familiar with the academic calendar

Dropping the Class

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student. If you are interested, "Is Dropping a Class in College Bad?" talks about making this decision. And just in case, "Is Dropping Bad?" looks at pros and cons of dropping.

In college, legal responsibilities such as adding and dropping a course are technically your job to manage. If you don't participate and an instructor drops you, you may end up having to repay financial aid, for instance.  Here's my drop policy, just so you won't accidentally get into problems.

If you don't participate for the first week of school by making any posts or doing other assignments, you may be dropped if there is a wait list.  If you don't participate by the end of the second week, you'll definitely be dropped. During the semester, if you don't participate for a week, I will probably reach out to you. If you remain unresponsive, I will probably drop you. So for your own peace of mind, let me know if something is up -- if you move or get sick or have some other issue arise that keeps you from participating.

Here's my drop policy, just so you won't accidentally get into problems.

    • If you don't participate for the first few days of school by making any posts or doing other assignments, you may be dropped, especially if there is a wait list. 
    • If you don't participate by the end of the first week, you'll definitely be dropped.
    • During the semester, if you don't participate for a few days, I will probably reach out to you.
    • If you remain unresponsive, I may drop you. For your own peace of mind, let me know if something is up -- if you move or get sick or have some other issue arise that keeps you from participating. 
    • A missed midterm may be made up with a doctor’s excuse. A missed final exam cannot be made up.
    • An incomplete can be granted when a student provides a doctor’s excuse for a medical emergency during the last two week of school.

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your legal responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%).  So participation is something to make decisions about.  Check out the articles for more information. 

Pass‐NoPass (P/NP)

You must decide before the deadline and add the option online with WEB4 or file the P/NP form with Admissions and Records. With a grade of C or better, you will get P. If you hope to do well in order to transfer to a four-year school or to keep your GPA up in order to get into a certificate program requiring a GPA minimum (such as nursing), taking a course P/F may work against you. Talk with a counselor if you have questions.

*If taking Pass/No Pass, you still need to have passed the assigned papers and essays with an average of 70% in order to be eligible to pass.


Your participation is your attendance. I respect your minds and your futures.  Great school habits translate directly into the workplace – which often means jobs kept and raises given.  To maintain your seat in class, it’s important to do assigned homework. Missing work has a great impact on essay performance since this is a process class where we start building toward our papers in the first reading assignments.


If you know you have a high level of commitment, you can probably skip some or all of the below.  But if you’re not sure, and for those who like to know the details:

If you know you have a high level of commitment, you can probably speed read the following.  But if you’re not sure, and for those who like to know the details:

    • Here's my drop policy, just so you won't accidentally get into problems.
      • If you don't participate for the first week of school by making any posts or doing other assignments, you may be dropped if there is a wait list. 
      • If you don't participate by the end of the second week, you'll definitely be dropped.
      • During the semester, if you don't participate for a week, I will probably reach out to you.
      • If you remain unresponsive, I will probably drop you. So for your own peace of mind, let me know if something is up -- if you move or get sick or have some other issue arise that keeps you from participating. 
  • A missed midterm may be made up with a doctor’s excuse. A missed final exam cannot be made up.
  • An incomplete can be granted when a student provides a doctor’s excuse for a medical emergency during the last two weeks of school.
  • Students not doing, or doing little or poor, homework may be dropped before midterm if the grade looks too low to be saved. This is a process course—the purpose of homework is to rehearse reading, discussion, critical thinking, and writing skills so that you will be well thought out and prepared to write essays. I will reach out to you before dropping you; be sure to have an e-mail you use daily in your Canvas user profile so you know when I message you.

Taking an active role in your learning and in class – stretching your leadership skills – makes the environment more energetic and teamwork based. Showing leadership also improves your participation grade. Showing leadership, reaching out for help when needed, and in general being proactive are what the participation element of the grade is based on. Self-motivation is super important in an online or remote class where you don't have the face-to-face class energy and personal connections to keep you inspired. I encourage you to connect with classmates  through Pronto or messages or other ways in order to support each other!

Late Policy

Almost all assignments are due at 11:59 p.m. PST on the due date. A late submission will receive a 20% penalty. Submissions more than one week late are not accepted without prior arrangement. Late work will not be graded unless the student sends the instructor an email with the URL for late work. EDIT TO REFLECT YOUR POLICIES


Methods of Evaluation

Each week you will complete graded assignments. There are two to three discussions and usually one Guided Learning Activity throughout the week. Any quizzes should be completed after reading assigned reading material. 


There will be online quizzes throughout the course and an online midterm and final exam. The material comes from the textbook and supplemental materials. If an exam is missed, a zero will be recorded as the score. It is your responsibility to take the online exams by the due date. 

Grading Policy

Discussion posts that come in when assigned are eligible to earn full points, which will be between three and five. Late posts will have late deductions of one point per day (most original posts are worth three points).

Replies are due as assigned; at the top of each assignment, you will see the day replies are due. You may choose to work in Canvas daily, but you will post a minimum of three times a week. Replies are worth two or three points each. An assignment will make the points possible clear.

Each week in Canvas is set up as one "module" in our course. The next week's module opens on Saturdays at 10AM if you like to do homework on weekends or get ahead.

This is a process course—the purpose of homework is to rehearse reading, discussion, critical thinking, and writing skills so that you will be well thought out and prepared to write essays. Please stay in touch with me if you are struggling. I love conferencing and supporting students! If you can't make a deadline:

    • Let me know what happened, by Canvas message or in a Zoom conference.
    • Let me know if you need an extension on homework.
    • A missed midterm exam (but not a missed final) may be made up with a doctor’s excuse.

 How do I view my grades, teacher comments, and an assignment rubric as a student?

Grades will be assigned as follows: [EDIT TO REFLECT YOUR GRADING SCHEME]

Letter Grade Percent









F or FW


If taking Pass/No Pass, you need at least 70% of the total class points and have an average of 70% on all papers and exams to pass the class.

An “F” grade indicates that a student attended, participated, and completed the course but failed to master the course curriculum.

An “FW” grade indicates the student stopped attending a course after the “last day to withdraw” deadline and subsequently did not submit any work or participate in any exams. Please check with your counselor and financial aid advisor for possible implications of the FW grade on residency and financial aid status.

Grade Composite

Final Grade Composition
Element Percentage of Final Grade
Class Participation 5%
Quizzes 6%
Midterm  8%
Final Exam 8%
Essay #1 8%
Homework 15%
Essay #2 20%
Essay #3 30%

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

If you need classroom or testing accommodations because of a disability, or have emergency medical information to share with me, or need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. My office hours are by appointment either on the Ocean Campus (9-4 p.m., Monday through Friday) or by Zoom video-conferencing.

Students seeking disability-related accommodations are encouraged to also register with Disabled Students Programs and Services located in Room 323 of the Rosenberg Library (415) 452-5481. Please see the DSPS website for more information and alternate locations.

Standards of Conduct

The school has conduct guidelines; did you know that?  They pretty much relate to common sense: treat others the way you want to be treated. No one wants to be embarrassed, suspended, or kicked out of college, so it’s important to know what’s allowed and what's not.  An important item to note is that "Threatening behavior, hostility, outbursts or other completely inappropriate behavior will result in immediate suspension, and/or being dropped".

Collaborating on or copying of tests or homework in whole or in part will be considered an act of academic dishonesty (plagiarism) and result in a grade of 0 for that test or assignment. The incident will be reported to administration. I encourage students to share information and ideas, but not to copy others' work. See these links on Plagiarism:

Encourage Academic Integrity and Prevent Plagiarism

Citing Information Sources


Student Expectations

You will succeed in this course if you meet the following expectations:

  • Successfully manage your time. This course will go fast!
  • Successfully complete the assigned activities. Please let me know as soon as you can concerning difficulties you may have in getting assignments in on time. 
  • Successfully complete the discussion posts and replies within the given window of time. Our discussions are much more vibrant when we all participate!
  • Complete any quizzes, the midterm, and the final exam on time.
  • Think critically about the weekly topics. Is something surprising? Is it new to you? How does it contrast with what you know about XYZ, or how does it compare to ABC? If you do not agree with the authors we read, you are free to explain why in your papers!
  • Do your own and your best work. 

You will have several weekly discussion assignments, so you will want to make sure you plan time for that.  In order to earn full credit for discussions, you will make thoughtful and well-developed contributions that follow assignment directions, and make a minimum of one reply to a classmate per discussion assignment. I encourage you to draft work outside of Canvas because occasionally things get lost. Be sure to check back to make replies for full credit. Your thoughtful work in discussions is actually pre-writing for your papers. When it is time to outline and draft essays, much of your material may already have been produced in discussions, and you will have been discussing ideas and brainstorming with group mates. Multiple replies and continuing to participate in a discussion will earn extra credit points and will also make you much more ahead of the game when you start drafting papers.

Instructor Expectations

Here is what you can expect of me:

  • I will respond to your email or message within 48 hours during the week unless I am sick or inform you otherwise.
  • I will treat you and your ideas with respect.
  • I will grade most quizzes and discussions usually within two days. (If you have posted late work, it may take longer.) Grades on essays and exams will be done within a week and a half.
  • You will see your grades in the Canvas Gradebook.
  • I will work hard to make this a great class. 

The Mighty English Lab   

Improving reading speed, comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills takes practice. You should try to work with a tutor at least once for each paper, and if you are having any struggles, you may get tutor support up to twice a week. Visits are approximately ½ hour, depending on the wait list.  You can also get electronic feedback to your work; the turn-around time for this is (probably still) 24 hours, depending on current budgets / number of tutors available. Tutoring does make a significant difference in students' reading, writing, and grade.

You are only assigned one tutoring session per essay, depending on whether the lab is staffed or not. You will receive extra-credit homework points for lab work above and beyond this session.   

Log in!

Due Dates

Due dates may be revised as we go.

Essay #1: 4-5 pages paper responding to mindset               September 27

Midterm                                                                                        October 17

50" timed format, to be taken within a 24-hour period.

Essay #2: 5-6 page paper responding to How Children Succeed                                                                                                                                                                                                 October 20

Essay #3: 7-8 page research paper, responding to The Upside of Stress                                                                                                                                                                                   Approximately December 13

Final Exam                                                                                   December 16

Optional Revision Paper                                                           December 19

Final exam will be a timed writing during any two hours of your choice.