Nicholas Payne's Instructor site


City College of San Francisco - CityOnline Nicholas Payne



Hello, my name is Nick Payne (he, him) and I teach the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) class as well as the City College Fire Academy. I was born and raised in San Francisco and had the honor of working for the San Francisco Fire Department. During my fire service career, I served as a paramedic, a firefighter, and EMS Captain, eventually retiring as the Section Chief of EMS Training.  

I enjoy teaching at City College because it gives me the opportunity to share my fire service experience with the next generation of firefighters and emergency medical responders. The enthusiasm and dedication of our CCSF students is truly inspiring. Recently I have been teaching as well as taking online classes and am excited by the flexibility and opportunity this format offers students. 

Away from CCSF, I enjoy time spent with my family and dogs doing outdoor activities including bicycling, running, and hiking. 

Nick Payne ifo Memorial to the 54th Union Regiment, Boston Common

Instructor Information

Instructor: Nicholas Payne

Department: Fire Science


  • Email:
  • Office Hours: By appointment and/or before or after live class sessions
  • Office Location: John Adams Campus and/or Office in Batmale Hall room 222
  • I will respond to all course emails within 48 hours, Monday-Friday, exclusive of school holidays.