Course Syllabus

City College of San Francisco

CDEV - 8202 –G01- CRN# 40839 Foster Parenting Tuesdays 10:00am – 1:00pm, Evans Campus Remote


Instructor: Peggy Monroe, EdD Office Location: Remote Office Hours:

Phone: 510-206-8076


Dates: January 17, 2023- May 23, 2023


Catalog Description: Exploration of the role of foster parents and resource families. Emphasis placed on humans' development from birth to adolescence. Topics include separation and grieving; drug and sexual education for adolescents; the roles of foster parents and biological parents; community resources including the agency and placement workers. Fulfills requirements cof the California Community FKCE Licensing mandated in-service curriculum. This SYNCHRONOUS class has zoom meeting Tuesday January 17, 2023- May 23, 2023



Course Description:

 This course explores the role of the foster parent with emphasis placed on human development from birth through adolescence. Topics include separation and grieving, drug and sexual education to adolescents, the roles of foster parents and biological parents, community resources including the agency and placement worker. Fulfills requirements of California Community FKCE Licensing mandate for in-service curriculum.



Major Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:


Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:

  1. Identify research and discuss child development theory and practice as related to children in out-of-home placement.
  2. Describe typical behavior and development of children 0 to 22 years of age.
  3. Describe the value of setting limits and providing positive guidance.
  4. Distinguish between the roles of foster parents and biological parents.
  5. Identify community resources to enhance care of youth in care.
  6. Special Education


Student Learning Outcomes:

    1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of prevention strategies related to stress, anger and frustration management for children and adolescents in out of home placement.
    2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the concept of age appropriate prevention and intervention strategies for children in out of home placement.
    3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of appropriate community services available for children and families in out of home placement.


Textbooks and other instructional materials

1.In-classspeakersandhand-outs,suchasspeakersfromSFHumanServicesAgency, Child Protective Services, San Francisco Unified School District, etc.

  • "California Child-abuse and Reporting Guidelines" California Title 22 Regulations, Division 6; Health and Human Services Agency Regulations, Chapters 8.8; Effective 8/8/08
  • "Department of Social Services Discipline Requirements Guidelines”, California Title 22 Regulations, Division 6; Health and Human Services Agency Regulations, Chapters 6-9.5; Effective 6/2/10
  • "Foster Care Homes", California Title 22 Regulations, Division 6; Health and Human Services Agency Regulations, Chapters 1-9; Effective 4/3/10


Supplementary Materials and Teaching Aids:

May include a combination of reference books, journals, field trips, outside lectures, films, tapes, models, and charts.


Pre/Co requisite(s): None


Units: NC


Course Supplies:

Pencils, erasable ink pens, and paper


Classroom Policies:


Turn off all cell phones and put them away in your pocket, handbag, or book bag before you enter the class and do not pull them out until you are outside of the classroom. Again, upon entry into the classroom, cut off all cell phones and pagers and do not pull out a cell phone in this classroom.


Under no circumstance is anybody allowed to tape anything in this classroom, including cassette tapes, video tapes, etc.


Excessive tardiness and/or absences will not be tolerated. College policy states that a professor may drop a student who is absent from six hours of class.


Respect your fellow classmates. We will discuss controversial issues and topics often in class. Please be aware of the diversity of views and respect those whose opinions may differ from your own. Please do not use any profanity or racial slurs in this classroom.




Pre/Post Questionnaires

Pre/post questionnaires will be distributed to evaluate participants’ knowledge of class topics.


In class discussions of Video Review and Guest Speakers /Summaries

During some class meetings videos will be shown and Guest speakers will present. Videos and guest speaker review/summaries will be required to demonstrate participants’ knowledge of community resources.

Method of Instruction:

Lecture, Discussion, and Videos

  1. Assignments
    1. In-class participation in large- and small-group discussions focusing on relationships, positive guidance, and understanding ages and stages of children
    2. In-class role playing
    3. In-class readings
    4. In-class reflections
    5. In-class discussions
    6. In-class participation in Resource Fair.
    7. Field trips, as available.


  1. Evaluation
    1. Completion of required hours as mandated by Community Care Licensing.
    2. Demonstration of understanding in class discussions.
    3. Supplementary Materials (e.g., handouts on topics of discussion).




Visitors Policy


The City College of San Francisco visitor’s policy permits only those students who are officially enrolled in the class to be in the classroom during class time. Friends, spouses or visitors and children (unless enrolled in the class) are prohibited from entering the classroom at any time.

Special permits must be obtained from City College of San Francisco Security prior to guest speakers and or visitors entering the classroom.




DSPS Statement

"The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, requires City College of San Francisco to make all programs accessible to qualified individuals with learning, physical, or psychological disabilities. Students who would like to receive accommodations for their learning, physical, or psychological disabilities should contact the Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSPS) office in the Rosenberg Library, Room 323 or call and schedule an appointment.

(415) 452-5481



  1. Parenting skills
    1. Behavior management
    2. Positive discipline
    3. Child development
    4. Cultural diversity
      1. Sensitivity
      2. Awareness
    5. Grief and loss
      1. Emotional effects of removal
      2. Emotional impacts of placement
    6. Safety issues
      1. CPR
      2. First-aid
    7. Self esteem
  2. Permanency planning
    1. Emancipation of teens
    2. Permanency options for care providers
      1. Adoption
      2. Concurrent planning
      3. Guardianship
    3. Prevention of teenage pregnancy
    4. Reunification
    5. Working with birth parents
      1. Relationship
      2. Visitation issues
  3. Specialized areas
    1. Attachment issues
    2. Child abuse and neglect
    3. Emotional and behavior problems
    4. Foster youth substance abuse issues
    5. Human sexuality issues
    6. Learning disabilities
    7. Medically fragile infants and children
    8. Physical disabilities
    9. Prenatal drug/alcohol exposure, etc.


  1. Training of trainers
    1. Curriculum-specific knowledge
    2. Group facilitation skills
    3. Leadership skills
  2. Working with the system
    1. Accessing community resources available to foster children
    2. Education issues in foster care
    3. Health issues in foster care
    4. Overview of CPS
    5. Role, rights and responsibilities of a kinship or foster parent care provider
    6. Self-help skills for care providers
    7. Working with County social services
      1. Collaboration skills
      2. Teamwork

Course Summary:

Date Details Due